Disclaimer: Integrated Renewal does not endorse all resources, treatments, and studies below. We have provided these resources to you for your further study. Please keep in mind some information may be triggering.
Anxiety and Depression
Cheryl Brodnax, MA LPC
Educational Videos:
- How Depression Affects The Brain - Yale Medicine
- Why You Might be Depressed or Anxious - Johann Hari, TedTalk
- What is Depression and Anxiety - CDC
- Understanding Depression - Mayo Clinic
- Is it possible to have Depression & Anxiety? - Mayo Clinic
- Anxiety and Depression in Children - CDC
- Effects of Anxiety Vs. Depression on Cognition in Later Life - The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
- Distinguishing Dimensions of Anxiety and Depression - Cognitive Therapy and Research Journal
PTSD / First Responders and Military
Nadine Dody, LPC
Jeff Durbin, Retired law Enforcement and Chaplain
Educational Videos:
- How The Body Keeps the Score on Trauma - Bessel van der Kolk for Big Think+
- The Neuroscience of PTSD - Neuroscientifically Challenged
- PTSD is Another Form of Brain Injury - Brain Line
- The Psychology of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Joelle Maletis, TedTalk
- Brain Imaging Shows Damage Caused by PTSD - The London Free Press
- What Happens to Your Brain As You Age
- The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit: Tools for Fire Services - Office for Victims of Crime
- Addressing Vicarious Trauma in First Responders - Office for Victims of Crime
- Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD - US Department of Veterans Affairs
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) vs. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) - National Library of Medicine
- PTSD as Defined by the DSM IV - National Library of Medicine
- Traumatic stress: Effects on The Brain - National Library of Medicine
- When a Child’s Parent has PTSD - US Department of Veterans Affairs
- Consequences of PTSD in First Responders - Institutes of Health
- Conceptualization, Assessment, and Treatment of Traumatic Stress in First Responders - National Library of Medicine
- Secondary Traumatization in First Responders - National Library of Medicine
- What is Vicarious Trauma? - Office for Victims of Crime
- How Common is PTSD in Veterans? - US Department of Veterans Affairs
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the US Veteran Population
In-Utero Trauma & Preverbal Trauma
Jinger Cain, Mother
- Understanding Childhood Trauma - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Trauma in the Preverbal Period, The Developmental Impact - National Library of Medicine
- What is Preverbal Trauma and How is it Treated With Somatic Therapy? - April Lyons Psychotherapy Group
- Maternal Lifetime Trauma - National Library of Medicine
- Pregnancy Trauma - National Library of Medicine
- Maternal Childhood Trauma and Perinatal Distress Effect on Infants - National Library of Medicine
- The Trauma Experiences of Children With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - National Library of Medicine
- Epigenetics of Trauma Transmission and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - National Library of Medicine
- The Effects of Alcohol Use During Pregnancy - CDC
- When a Child’s Parent Has PTSD - US Department of Veterans Affairs
Educational Videos:
Burn Out / Ministry Leaders & Helping Professionals
Ryan Worley, LPC
- Job Burnout - Mayo Clinic
- Depression: What is burnout? - National Library of Medicine
- Burnout and Stress are Everywhere - American Psychological Association
- Pastor Burnout Statistics - Gitnux.org
- Why Pastors Are Burning Out, Opinion Article - NY Times
- Practitioners are Overworked and Burned Out - American Psychological Association
- Predictors of Burnout in Social Workers - National Library of Medicine
Youth and Teens
Terree Marvin, Teacher of 16 Years
- Sleep Problems in Teens, Sleep Disorders - UCLA Health
- Among Teens, Sleep Deprivation an Epidemic - Stanford Medicine
- Teen Sleep and Suicidality - Youth Risk Behavior Surveys - Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
- Poor Mental Health Impacts Adolescent Well-being - CDC
- Sadness in Youth: Socialization, Regulation, and Adjustment - Handbook of Emotional Development
- Why American Teens Are so Sad - The Atlantic
- Rates of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Youth - National Library of Medicine
- Self Injury, Social Media, Shame, and How to Engage - Mental Health America
- Why American Teens Are so Sad - The Atlantic
- Rates of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Youth - National Library of Medicine
- Self Injury, Social Media, Shame, and How to Engage - Mental Health America